When I walk along the streets little children run up to me and ask how I got so tall. I tell them to eat their vegetables, drink lots milk and stay in school.
When I cycle along the streets teenagers ride up next to me and ask how I got so trim. I tell them to stay on their bikes, do 8 min abs and diamond press-ups.
When I jog along the streets adults run up close to me and ask how I stay looking so young. I tell them that I’m only 22; I’m supposed to look this young.
When I surf the World Wide Web bloggers hound me down and ask how I manage to update my blog with such consistency. I tell them to listen up close, real close, because I’ll only say this once.
(OK, ‘some’ of this never actually happened)
Ak-Man Combats Writers Block
Here are a few tips
One . . .
I’ve always found it easy to bang out a quick post if it includes senseless ranting; this also makes good reading. Loads of things annoy us all, get it off your chest and have a little bit of fun with it. Tell us what kind of celebrities you hate and why you hate them; tell us about the driver who cut you up this morning; remind us that everything you can’t purchase in a 99p store is getting more expensive.
Two . . .
A quick and easy post can be made by just generating a list of things which interest you.
My favourite films which no one else likes
Ten great ways to spend £100
Things that will damage your computer quicker than the internet
Three . . .
When you are in the mood to write, try to write more than one post. This way you’ll end up with a backlog of articles you can post up whenever you please. Just copy, paste and publish. Then get back to work, or back to reading other peoples blogs . . . or whatever it is you all do when you’re online.
Four . . .
OK, I guessing most of us used this tip when we had to rush an essay or two in our time. Grab a chunky ‘quote’ of someone else’s work, paste it in and briefly explain why you ‘stole’ it in the first place. It’s not quite plagiarism is it? Not quite your work either but it fills out a page.
Five . . .
I haven’t used number four yet, and I am also yet to use number five which is pretty much similar. Search YouTube for a newly uploaded video, paste it into you blog with a little bit of info and click on publish. Easy.
I’m sure you all have some other tips and tricks, dish ‘em out. Stop being greedy!
My next post will be Ten Ways To Blow £100 . . . Just to show how easy it is . . . 10 is a lot actually, lets see how many I can get up to.
A to the . . .
When I cycle along the streets teenagers ride up next to me and ask how I got so trim. I tell them to stay on their bikes, do 8 min abs and diamond press-ups.
When I jog along the streets adults run up close to me and ask how I stay looking so young. I tell them that I’m only 22; I’m supposed to look this young.
When I surf the World Wide Web bloggers hound me down and ask how I manage to update my blog with such consistency. I tell them to listen up close, real close, because I’ll only say this once.
(OK, ‘some’ of this never actually happened)
Ak-Man Combats Writers Block
Here are a few tips
One . . .
I’ve always found it easy to bang out a quick post if it includes senseless ranting; this also makes good reading. Loads of things annoy us all, get it off your chest and have a little bit of fun with it. Tell us what kind of celebrities you hate and why you hate them; tell us about the driver who cut you up this morning; remind us that everything you can’t purchase in a 99p store is getting more expensive.
Two . . .
A quick and easy post can be made by just generating a list of things which interest you.
My favourite films which no one else likes
Ten great ways to spend £100
Things that will damage your computer quicker than the internet
Three . . .
When you are in the mood to write, try to write more than one post. This way you’ll end up with a backlog of articles you can post up whenever you please. Just copy, paste and publish. Then get back to work, or back to reading other peoples blogs . . . or whatever it is you all do when you’re online.
Four . . .
OK, I guessing most of us used this tip when we had to rush an essay or two in our time. Grab a chunky ‘quote’ of someone else’s work, paste it in and briefly explain why you ‘stole’ it in the first place. It’s not quite plagiarism is it? Not quite your work either but it fills out a page.
Five . . .
I haven’t used number four yet, and I am also yet to use number five which is pretty much similar. Search YouTube for a newly uploaded video, paste it into you blog with a little bit of info and click on publish. Easy.
I’m sure you all have some other tips and tricks, dish ‘em out. Stop being greedy!
My next post will be Ten Ways To Blow £100 . . . Just to show how easy it is . . . 10 is a lot actually, lets see how many I can get up to.
A to the . . .
Where'd you find that picture of me?
cool pic!!
BTW are you Nigerian? Just wondering what you made of the current Nigerian election?
Yo Bart, its well known that you can find whatever you want if u know how to google it. I hope you never parted with cash for that cap.
HB: Ugh, politics. I'm not too surpised about events which took place due to elections. It's no secret that Nigeria is known for corruption. The guys runnin to be president must be either hella brave or hella greedy!
Its a job that someone must do though, I just wish they could get the best man for the job. The country has so much potential yet is stricken with so much poverty.
Dont forget time, thats important too. My dad always says 'Out of no time, you make time'. I hate that saying. The reason why I say 'I dont have time' is just that.
I like the pic...poor guy.
Yeah, powerful photo, the ak.
You never fail to disappoint (except for when what those ladies say).
Nice one!
Love the pic!! That's some pretty powerful inspiration right there!!!
So you cycle a lot?? I used to bike everywhere when I lived in Chicago, I loved it!
These are great tips. Youtube is a great bail out...
That picture is intense. Great shot. There are people who have really 'lived,' or had hard times, and their bodies are like a book...
Again wow the photo is just intense.
I find the best way to deal with writers block is not to think that you cant write anything, just think of something so intensely stupid then write about that.
Love the tips! I've done all but #4 as well, but thanks for the idea I'm sure I'll use it now!!
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